Mobile, Projects, Technologies


As our lives move on, it has been hard to keep up with updates on our side projects so we hope we can explain you what has been happening.

As you may recall, one of our projects we mentioned here was Checklist, a simple checklist for developers of any platform whose main goal was to develop a platform in our behalf, while we would learn new tools and try others.

As time passed, we found other platforms that did the same (or sometimes even more) and the fact that some of us weren’t able to respect the deadlines, it was decided to stop its development.

But as people say ”when one door closes, another opens” and so we started a project called TourGo.
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Projects, Technologies

Ninject – Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control

A lot advanced programmers certainly have heard of this two big words, Dependency Injection (DI) & Inversion of Control (IoC). Mainly known as very desirable pattern for solutions on software projects because they enable a nice and clean architecture and loosely cloupling between the various software components.

But before I start giving a big speech about DI & IoC, first I’ll start with a pratical example, using C# (because Ninject was implemented for .NET), to explain what really are this big two words. Then I’ll talk about the practical application of Ninject, and the importance of these two patterns, and also give a little example on how to use the Ninject Extension MVC, to allow the usage of this two patterns on your ASP.NET MVC application. So let’s start with the example…

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