Good Practices, javascript, Nodejs, Technologies

NodeJs Application Structure

In this post I will show how I organize my node.js applications. I’ll start explaning the nodejs principles, with examples.

NodeJs Principles

NodeJs follows the next principles:

Unix philosophy

  • “Small is beautiful”
  • “Make each program do one thing well”

Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS) principle.

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

I think I already gave the idea of the way to structuring a node application. Creating microservices to do specific work, separating the complexity and decoupling the responsibilities.

One of the biggest problems that people have with Nodejs is the maintainability of the application. That’s the reason why is better to have 3 different micro applications than a big one.

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.Net, C#, DDD, DI, Good Practices

DDD – Domain Driven Development

One of the new challenges I faced at my new job was understanding and adapting to DDD. It can be a bit confusing at first, but as soon as I made sense of it, I couldn’t not recommend it.

In this post i want to explain the basic concept of DDD.

What is DDD?

DDD consists in one domain project that doesn’t depend on anything, while the other projects depend on it. Usually, the domain project contains interfaces, domain entities and utility classes that don’t depend on third parties. Confusing? I’ll explain better in the example below.

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